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由環保協進會「鳳園蝴蝶保育區」主辦的「第十九屆香港觀蝶大賽2023」主題為「賞生態.保生境」,目的是讓市民透過認識蝴蝶,培養欣賞及關注自然生態,從而喚醒大家保育生態環境的責任。觀蝶大賽設有「最佳觀蝶新秀」獎項, 鼓勵更多初學者參加比賽認識蝴蝶。而今年暑假更設有「尋蝶偵探團」,讓家長小朋友可透過有趣的2天親子體驗活動,學習珍惜及保育自然生態。


The 18th Hong Kong Butterfly Watching Contest 2022
A. Competition groups
螢幕擷取畫面 2023-07-04 115728.jpg
B. Prizes
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C. Participation method 

請將填妥的報名表格(可於網頁下載),連同報名捐款以劃線支票付款(抬頭請填上「Environmental Association Ltd.」),並寄往大埔汀角路鳳園村150號。





"Butterfly Hunting Detective Team" – Nature Conservation Parent-child Experience Activity

主辦機構:環保協進會 鳳園蝴蝶保育區

3天活動日期:7月9日 (星期六)、7月10日 (星期日)、7月17日 (星期日)

活動時間:7月9日 -上午10時至下午1時,7月10日 -上午10時至下午1時,7月17日 -下午2時至5時


任務 1*:認識蝴蝶–學習常見蝴蝶

任務 2*:生境保育–種植蝴蝶植物

任務 3*:藝術創作–人蝶共享資源 終極任務*:觀蝶大比拼–定向任務+觀蝶比賽

活動捐款金額:880元或以上/2-4人家庭 (所有收益將撥作自然保育用途)


任務 1*:由本會職員及經驗導師帶領遊覽蝴蝶保育區、學習基本蝴蝶知識及常見蝴蝶辨識,及試行觀蝶比賽戶外活動路線

任務 2*:由本會經驗導師帶領於蝴蝶保育區種植蝴蝶植物及學習蝴蝶生境保育知識

任務 3*:由本會經驗導師帶領利用自然素材製作環保藝術作品

終極任務*:親子野外定向尋寶比賽及第十八屆香港觀蝶大賽2022: 於保育區內,以最快時間按圖示及次序到訪各個指定的地方,並完成指定任務。(約一小時三十分鐘)



  • 因保育區屬郊外環境,途中路線有一定難度,因此本活動不適合行動不便或使用輪椅人士,敬請留意。

  • 有關活動參加者需為同一家庭之成員,小童年齡需為6-12歲及家長必須為小童的父親或母親。

  • 請填妥此報名表格後,將籌得款項以劃線支票付款,抬頭請填上「Environmental Association Ltd.」,並寄往大埔汀角路鳳園村150號。所有報名費收益將撥作保育用途。

  • 如報名人數超額,本會將以抽籤決定,(除因超額未能參賽之隊伍外,報名費一概不獲退還)。

  • 參賽者將獲贈「環保協進會之友」家庭會員會藉至2023年12月31日為止。會員可於開放時間內無限之參觀鳳園蝴蝶保育區

  • 每位完成活動之參加者,均獲「環保協進會」頒發之證書一張。

  • 觀蝶大賽環節涉及戶外活動及其風險,參加人士請自行購買所需保險。

  • 如天文台於活動開始兩小時前發出「三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號」或「紅色、黑色暴雨警告」: 當日活動將會取消;如天文台於活動開始前兩小時內及活動開始後發出「三號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號」或「紅色、黑色暴雨警告」,則以本會臨時通知為準。

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The 18th Hong Kong Butterfly Photography Competition 2022

The theme of the "18th Hong Kong Butterfly Photography Competition 2022" organized by the "Fung Yuen Butterfly Conservation Area" of the Environmental Protection Association is "Appreciate Ecology. Preserve the Habitat". Its natural beauty in the habitat, so as to cultivate appreciation and attention to the natural ecology, so as to awaken everyone's responsibility to protect the ecological environment.

A. Eligibility

Anyone of any age can participate

B. Prizes

Champion: 1,500 yuan in cash coupons

Runner-up: 1,000 yuan in cash coupons

Second runner-up: 500 yuan in cash coupons

C. Participation method 

Email up to 2 entries (file name "entry photo number") to, please indicate "Participation in the 18th Hong Kong Butterfly Photography Competition 2022" in the email subject and add the entry number ( see below). Email must be attachedentry form(can be downloaded from the website), and submit in DOC/PDF format; or completeOnline Registration Form.

*Participating photo number:

Please use the first 4 English digits of the Hong Kong Identity Card number plus the English surname as the number. For example, if the ID card number is D1234567 (8) Chan Tai Man, the entry photo number is: D123Chan_1 (or 2).

D. Competition rules:

  • Participants are required to hold a Hong Kong identity card.

  • The deadline for registration for the competition is 12:00 p.m. on November 30, 2022. Late registration will not be considered.

  • Photos may be of any life stage of the butterfly (except specimens).

  • Each participant can submit a maximum of 2 competition entries, and violators will be disqualified from the competition.

  • The photo must be taken by the contestant himself in Hong Kong within 2022, and information such as the date, time and location of the shooting must be provided.

  • Photos submitted by email must be in JPEG format (no need to submit RAW files for now), and the file size must be less than 10MB.

  • Entries that have been used to win prizes in other open competitions will not be accepted for entry.

  • Judges will award marks based on the following criteria: Content (40%), Composition (30%) and Technique (30%).

  • After the shortlisted works are selected, the Association may require participants to submit RAW files or original image files of the shortlisted photos.

  • The Association supports natural and ecological photography. If it is found that the entries use bad photography techniques (such as setting bait, catching, raising, etc.), they will be disqualified from the competition.

  • In case of any dispute, the Environmental Protection Association reserves the right of final decision.

Closing date for application: 30 November 2022 (Wednesday) at 12:00pm

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