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In 2011, Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve from Environmental Association found a Chestnut Butterfly(Parantica sita) that flew from Japan to Hong Kong during our study on overwintering Danaid butterflies. We believe that Hong Kong is only one of the stopover point for overwintering danaid butterflies, and the actual migration route of them in Hong Kong and other South China region is still a mystery.

Since July 2011, Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve has marked a number of different species of danaid butterflies, most of which are

the blue spotted crow(Euploea midamus), Blue Tiger (Tirumala limniace).


We will mark a code on the butterfly's left hindwing, such as "1030HKF001", representing the marking date(10/30), followed by the marking staff or location code(HKF) and the assigned serial number pg that butterfly(001).

Report to us

Dear butterfly lovers, if you find a marked danaid butterfly outside the Fung Yuen Butterfly Reserve, please write down the code on their wing, together with the date, time and place of the discovery (photo record is preferable), and email it to or submit the online report form:
Studying the migration routes of danaid butterflies is an important key to butterfly conservation. It can allow us to proposed an effective long-term butterfly conservation measures and policies, so that our next generation can also see the beautiful and spectacular Butterfly Valley in winter. 
**Note: All butterfly marking activities must be done by trained and licensed personnel. Please do not capture any butterflies by your own.
report to us 斑蝶追蹤 (5).png
All butterfly marking activities are done by trained and licensed personnel. Please do not capture any butterflies by your own.
To begin the butterfly marking study, we will capture the butterflies in permitted location. Information of each danaid butterfly such as species name, sex, wingspan etc will be recorded, then we will write a code in the left hindwing of the butterfly. The code will include the marking date, marking location, and the assigned serial number of each individual butterfly. The butterfly will be released to the wild right after the marking, and their flight route will be find whoever spotted and reported them in other places.
(Chinese Version Only)



2023年11月26日(星期日) 10:00-15:00


🦋主辦機構:環保協進會 鳳園蝴蝶保育區

🦋參加對象:公眾人士 (本活動適合6歲或以上人士參加,親子同行優先)





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